Name or company name: Adaje System
Registered office address: 27 rue Paul Henri Spaak 26000 Valence
Phone: 04 75 57 75 10

Commercial register: Romans B 494 857 519
Legal form: SAS
Registered capital: 37.000 €
SIREN number: 494857519
SIRET number: 49485751900032
Intracommunity VAT number: FR82494857519

Legal representative: Emmanuel Jacob
Editorial and publication director: Emmanuel Jacob
Country: France

Hosting is provided by OVH.
2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.

Photo credits: Adobe Stock, Pixabay, Pexels 
Visual identity and website design:
Communication agency: Harmony Communication

Intellectual property rights:
The names and logos of Adaje System are registered trademarks. The website is protected by laws governing intellectual property. It is strictly prohibited to reproduce it, in whole or in part, in its form or content, without prior agreement from Adaje-System and its legal representative.